Dr. Marina Rose

We blame our hormones for perimenopause symptoms, and with good cause. Decreasing levels of the major sex hormones estrogen and progesterone leads to symptoms of perimenopause. However there are more hormones behind the scenes of your symptoms than you think.


Stress hormones produced by the adrenal glands are actually a key factor in determining whether you have perimenopause symptoms or not. The hormone progesterone and the stress hormone cortisol share the same precursor. When this precursor is low, it goes toward cortisol production instead of progesterone, resulting in low levels of sex hormones. This leads to perimenopause symptoms.


Dr. Marina Rose, DC has helps women with perimenopause symptoms in and around the city of Los Altos, CA. She uses a simple test to look at salivary cortisol as well as precursor hormones like DHEA to get her patients feeling better within two weeks.


Take the demand off your adrenals by decreasing stress levels. Dr. Deepak Chopra agrees that activities like meditation can reduce your stress levels.


Nourish your adrenals with adequate rest and a diet rich in nutrients and minerals like magnesium, which are used at higher rates when you are stressed. Seaweeds, seeds, and leafy greens are all good food sources of minerals. Special saliva tests can point out which specific nutrients will give you the quickest improvement.


When you need natural solutions for perimenopause symptoms, click here to find out how Functional Nutrition can help you.


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4 Responses

  1. Great article ! So much sterss on peoples faces all around me today. Another suggestion and huge reliever of sterss is the realization that it is nearly always our reaction to events that is causing the sterss in the first place. Learn to watch your reactions and sooner than you think you’ll be able to choose them.

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