Did you know that recurrent urinary tract infections are one of the perimenopause symptoms?
If you find that your urinary symptoms of increased urgency, burning and increased frequency occur more than twice a year or do not respond to antibiotics you may be a good candidate for a holistic approach to the problem.
Fortunately, there are natural strategies that can reduce the risk of developing a UTI, or even help to nix it before it becomes serious.
Dr. Marina Rose, who practices Functional Medicine in Los Altos, CA finds there are two primary causes of recurrent UTI’s:
- a hormone imbalance that makes sensitive tissue more fragile and more susceptibel to bacteria
- an underlying digestive issue that results in not having the right fatty acids for your bladder to be healthy.
These two causes need to be addressed differently: the hormone imbalance responds well to the use of bio-identical hormones. The digestive issue responds well to a specific enzyme supplement called URT that improves absorption of fatty acids and can provide significant relief from even the most severe urinary symptoms, even in cases that have been diagnosed as interstitial cystitis.
Try some of these simple, natural strategies at home to reduce your risk:
- Stay hydrated. Keeping fluids moving through the urinary tract prevents bacteria from settling in.
- Don’t wait to empty your bladder once it’s full.
- Probiotics may help indirectly. Healthy flora in the gut may reduce the risk of harmful bacteria migrating to the urinary tract.
- Drink fresh blueberry and cranberry juice to helps keep bacteria from clinging to the walls of the urinary tract.
- Empty the bladder completely when you urinate.
Lowered pelvic floor tone, another one of the common perimenopause symptoms, can make bladder control more difficult than it used to be. Toning the pelvic floor can help.
When you need natural solutions for perimenopause symptoms like recurrent urinary tract infections, click here to find out how Functional Medicine can help you.
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