Do you ever feel a pain in your stomach? Or underneath your right rib cage? Does it always happen to come right after indulging in your favorite fatty-filled meal?
Well, that might be your gallbladder crying for help. Below are 5 very doable lifestyle and diet changes that you can use to prevent gallbladder symptoms:
- Avoid processed foods. These are more likely to contain harmful trans-fats and refined flours.
- Up your whole grain and vegetable intake to ensure you’re getting enough fiber.
- Keep moving! Sustaining a healthy body weight lowers your risk for developing gallbladder disease.
- Stay away from processed vegetable oils that could contain rancid fats that are harder for your body to digest than healthy fats.
- Rule out food intolerances. If your body is intolerant to certain foods that are a regular part of your diet, this can lead to a variety of chronic health issues including gallbladder symptoms. Working with a practitioner of Functional Medicine or Functional Nutrition can help you uncover foods you are sensitive to.
Dr. Marina Rose uses a Functional Nutrition approach to help people with a variety of digestive symptoms in and around the city of Mountain View, CA. Through her research she has found that many people with gallbladder symptoms respond very well to using a high-lipase digestive supplement.
According to Dr. Oz, eating nuts, fish and avocado can also help keep the gallbladder healthy.
When you are looking for a safe and effective approach to eliminating gallbladder symptoms, find out how Functional Nutrition can help.
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