Dr. Marina Rose

Cholesterol gallstones are a common cause of gallbladder symptoms. It seems logical that too much cholesterol is the cause of gallstones, but the truth of the matter is not  so simple.


Having too much cholesterol in your diet doesn’t automatically translate to too much cholesterol in your bile. The liver produces bile and factors like hormone levels influence how much cholesterol ends up in the bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. When bile becomes thickened, it can lead to gallstones.


According to Dr. Marina Rose, DC using herbs to thin the bile often gives rapid relief from gallbladder symptoms. Dr. Rose helps people with gallbladder symptoms and other challenging, chronic health conditions in and around the city of San Jose, CA.


No fat or too little fat can actually have an adverse effect on gallbladder health. Without dietary fats, the gallbladder does not have the opportunity to empty properly. In fact, eating the right kinds of fats can actually be beneficial to the gallbladder. Monounsaturated fats are good for helping the gallbladder to clear itself out as Dr. Oz agrees.


Also, having a sufficient dietary intake of fresh foods with good enzyme content can actually take a lot of burden off of the gallbladder, decreasing the likelihood of developing gallbladder symptoms.


When you need natural solutions for gallbladder symptoms, click here to find out how Functional Nutrition can help you.


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