Dr. Marina Rose

Carrying around extra weight is linked with many health conditions, but it can also have an effect on perimenopause symptoms. Being overweight can actually have a significant impact on your body’s hormone levels, especially the hormone estrogen.


So what does extra weight around the middle have to do with how much estrogen is in your body? Fat cells actually produce estrogen. The major source of estrogen in the body is the ovaries, but fat cells are actually capable of producing estrogen too.


Estrogen dominance is related to a host of perimenopause symptoms like breast tenderness, water retention, mood swings, and others. Dr. Christiane Northrup agrees that estrogen dominance is a significant cause of perimenopause symptoms.


Dr. Marina Rose, DC has helped women with perimenopause symptoms and people with other challenging, chronic health conditions in and around the city of Los Altos, CA. The key to balancing your hormones naturally is to get an accurate picture of where they are. This is done with a simple saliva test you do at home.


If you need to lose some weight, begin by increasing activity level slowly. Focus on physical acitivies that you enjoy. Increase your fiber intake. It will make you feel full and it also helps your body to eliminate excesses of estrogen.


When you need natural solutions for perimenopause symptoms, click here to find out how Functional Nutrition can help you.


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