Dr. Marina Rose

Are you on the pill? We all know that the pill comes with a long list of possible side effects, but you might not realize that this common complaint can actually be made worse by taking the birth control pill.


Everyone suffers from indigestion once in a while, especially after a big meal. So women that have heartburn may be tempted to blame it on eating too much and not look for another explanation. But if you are on the pill, for birth control or for other reasons, you may be surprised to learn that the two are connected.


The pill can make acid reflux symptoms worse. Dr. Andrew Weil lists the birth control pill as a common medication that can worsen heart burn and other symptoms.


If you are on the pill for hormone balance, a holistic health care practitioner can help you find ways to balance your hormones without the pill and side effects like acid reflux.


Dr. Marina Rose has helped women struggling with hormone imbalances to uncover the root cause of their symptoms and to feel better without the pill. She has helped people with a variety of challenging, chronic health conditions in and around the city of Palo Alto, CA.


When you need natural solutions without the pill, click here to find out how Functional Nutrition can help you.


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