Dr. Marina Rose

Indigestion and gallbladder symptoms—can you tell them apart? It’s true that gallbladder symptoms can be vague, but there are some that need immediate attention. Know what the different gallbladder symptoms are and what you can do to stop them before they start.


Gallbladder symptoms can arise when the bile inside the gallbladder gets too thick, so the gallbladder has trouble emptying, leading to indigestion and pain. Pain in the middle upper abdomen, nausea, and even vomiting are all gallbladder symptoms. Gallbladder pain, called biliary colic, is the most common of the gallbladder symptoms.


Dr. Marina Rose has helped people with gallbladder symptoms and other challenging, chronic health conditions in and around the city of Sunnyvale, CA. She uses a holistic approach using herbs and enzymes for fast results.


Thickened bile can also lead to gallstones. When gallstones move into the bile duct, or form there, you can have a gallbladder attack. Besides for being terribly painful, stones in the common bile duct create a potential for infection. When gallbladder symptoms occur with the following signs there could be an infection and medical attention is needed:

  1. Fever
  2. Chills
  3. Mental confusion


Gallbladder symptoms range from painful indigestion, to serious medical events, but they all indicate an underlying imbalance in your digestion. The holistic approach taken by Functional Nutrition can help you to avoid gallbladder symptoms, or help turn them around if you already have them. Dr. Andrew Weil agrees that lifestyle choices can improve gallbladder health.


Eating enough fiber, choosing healthy monounsaturated fats, and drinking plenty of water each day are all steps you can take to get started now. Learn more about what you can do to keep your gallbladder healthy.


When you need natural solutions for gallbladder symptoms, click here to find out how Functional Nutrition can help you.


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