Dr. Marina Rose

Have you ever stopped to notice your gallbladder? Maybe you didn’t realize you had one until you started to have  gallbladder symptoms, but you need to know that this little organ is really an important part of your digestive health.


Taking care of your gallbladder supports whole body health?


It’s easy to miss, but hidden in your upper abdomen, your gallbladder is doing an important job. Sitting underneath the liver, tucked under the right rib cage, the gallbladder is responsible for releasing bile into the small intestine any time you eat a meal with fat in it.


Bile, made by the liver, is essential for your body to be able to digest and absorb a range of nutrients, especially fat soluble vitamins and healthy monounsaturated fats.


When bile consistency becomes too thick you become more prone to gallstones and the gallbladder symptoms that come with them.


Dr. Marina Rose has helped women with gallbladder symptoms and people with other challenging, chronic health conditions in and around the city of San Francisco, CA.


So how do you take care of your gallbladder and prevent gallbladder symptoms? The same healthy lifestyle choices that support whole body health, like maintaining a healthy weight, staying hydrated, and eating enough fiber all support gallbladder health. Dr. Andrew Weil agrees that gallbladder symptoms can be helped with lifestyle measures.


When you need natural solutions for gallbladder symptoms, click here to find out how Functional Nutrition can help you.


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Image provided courtesy of Freedigitalphotos.net.

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