Dr. Marina Rose

One of the worst times to get hit with acid reflux symptoms is when you finally lie down at night. Unfortunately, this is also one of the most common times for it. Why is acid reflux more common at night? And how can you avoid night time acid reflux symptoms?


One of the major causes of acid reflux is a stressed lower esophageal sphincter, or LES. When the LES is stressed, it has difficulty keeping the acidic stomach contents inside of the stomach after a meal.  Dr. Leo Galland, also recognizes the LES to be the real culprit behind many cases of acid reflux. Lying down after a meal puts pressure on the LES, which can lead to acid reflux symptoms.


While certain factors like smoking can cause the LES to relax, things like body position and timing of meals can be critical for avoiding acid reflux symptoms. To reduce your symptoms at bed time:


Dr. Marina Rose, DC has helped people with acid reflux and other challenging, chronic health conditions in and around the city of Palo Alto, CA.


When you need natural solutions for acid reflux symptoms, click here to find out how Functional Nutrition can help you.


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