Dr. Marina Rose

3 Easy Steps to Deal with Bloating and Nausea

The gallbladder plays a vital role in maintaining the digestive health of your body. An improperly functioning gallbladder can lead to embarrassing issues like gas and bloating as well as severe pain, cramping and nausea. Early signs of gallbladder stress such as nausea and bloating are often overlooked or explained away.  But dealing with these […]

Got Acne? | Holistic Health Care Offers Alternatives to the Pill

Have you tried every lotion and potion you can get your hands on to make your acne go away? Has your doctor suggested going on the pill? Many women struggling with chronic acne find taking birth control pills can lead to other symptoms like bloating, headaches and reduced libido. Holistic health care can help you […]

The Secret to Hormone Balance without the Pill

Are you on ‘the pill’ because your hormones are out of control? Irregular periods, painful PMS, migraine headaches and acne have one thing in common. They are all associated with hormone imbalance. The big question is… What causes hormones to go out of whack in the first place? Stress. Of course stress makes everything worse but there is […]

Top Tips for Managing Mood Swings During Perimenopause

Perimenopause symptoms can be intense for some women; and if you’re feeling vulnerable and sensitive one minute and cranky and short-tempered the next, you may be suffering from mood swings associated with hormones fluctuations.   One of the biggest triggers of feeling irritable occurs when your blood sugar crashes. Eating a lot of starchy or […]

Gallbladder or Reflux? | How to Identify Reasons for Abdominal Pain

Upper abdominal pain, just below the right rib cage, can indicate gallbladder problems.  The pain can be triggered by eating certain foods, such as fatty meals, but also by things as innocent an apple or even a glass of water. If you see your conventional medical doctor with these symptoms then you will probably be sent […]

3 Surprising Factors to Better Heart Health

DID YOU KNOW… • Heart disease is the #1 killer of Americans since 1900? • 1 in 3 Americans now have some form of cardiovascular disease? • Heat Disease is the #2 cause of death  for children under 15 years? Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease There are 4 well-established factors known to reduce the […]

Anti-oxidants Are Your Best Friends in Keeping Your Heart Healthy

Have you ever wondered what oxidants are and why you hear so much about being “anti”? Oxidation is a normal process of energy production in the body. However, oxidation produces free radicals (this just means they are missing an electron in their outer shell). These highly unstable molecules “attack” other molecules attempting to “steal” electrons in order […]

How to Keep Your Libido Up (Even If You are in Perimenopause)

Losing your sex drive may be one of the perimenopause symptoms that has the biggest impact. Suddenly, LOL is no longer Laughing out Loud but Loss of Libido. Since women’s libidos are strongly affected by intricate interactions of emotional, nutritional and hormonal factors, the solution to Loss of Libido has been more elusive than simply […]

How to Boost Your Energy Levels Naturally During Perimenopause

Many symptoms can start hitting you as you transcend into your menopausal stage; hot flashes, mood swings and sleep troubles are some of the many perimenopause symptoms that affect you in your 40s. Handling these can be tough. Low energy levels allow you to become stressed easily. Stress leads to cravings for sugary foods which […]

Can You Have a Gallbladder Problem if Your Labs Are Normal?

With millions of people being diagnosed with digestive problems each year it is important to understand the difference between gallbladder disease and gallbladder dysfunction. Early stages of gallbladder symptoms are often ignored or explained away as something else. Symptoms like belching uncomfortable fullness gas and  nausea after eating pain under the right rib cage are often […]